
September 26


9 Ways To Boost Your Trust In Your Inner Guidance

September 26, 2021

When we follow our inner guidance, we feel in alignment with our highest selves. We have boundless energy, no fear of criticism, endless creativity, and love for all.

Our intuition is one of the amazing instincts we are born with, but we can make ours stronger with practice and intention.

Following our intuition or our inner guidance system is a practice that we can all get better at using.  

When we practice trusting our intuition we can use it in the way it was intended, naturally and in alignment with our highest selves.

I've found 9 great ways to do this easier.

As it says in Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding…”

Whether you consider yourself to be a Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, have new age, universalist beliefs, or whatever beliefs you hold, the principle is the same.

Trust your intuition, your inner guidance system!

If we are made in the creator's image and we are the co-creator, why wouldn't we trust the good things that are coming from our heart, our inner guidance system? 

Why would we listen to the negativity or things that come from without rather than listening to that guidance from within?

So, now we know our inner guidance is the path to feeling in balance, connection with the creator within and with others. 

We also know this is the way to not allow criticism or fear of it to taint our creativity or deter us from releasing our gifts to the world, but how do we do it?

Well, read on.  I'll let you in on the best ways I've found that work wonders for my clients and myself.

9 Ways to Boost Your Trust in Your Inner Guidance.

Choose your tribe wisely.

We become most like the 5 people we spend the most time with.

If we spend most of our time with people who complain or gossip, chances are, we are doing it right along with them.


Complaining or gossiping sucks away our energy and we cannot operate at the higher frequencies where we can tap into our intuition.  

Spending time with people who are trusting, supportive, non-judgmental, and open-minded can boost our collective consciousness and allow us to tap into those higher frequencies with more regularity. 

Don't tell others what you're going to do, show them instead. 

Often when we have an idea or a dream, we rush to tell the people we love about it.


Depending on where they are in their journey, they may or may not be the most supportive.

Most people we love want the best for us and instinct may tell them to try to protect you, which can often be expressed as being non-supportive or judgmental. 

When those we love are not supportive, this can take the wind out of our sails.

Showing them the finished project or idea can often be the best way to win their support and keep us motivated in the journey. 

Don't take advice from anyone with whom you wouldn't trade places. 

Many arm-chair warriors love to give advice on things they've never tried themselves.

Instead of listening to advice from people who do not really understand, seek out advice if needed from those who are going after their dreams and actually doing the thing!

Do not seek outside validation. Some people will just not “get it” but those who do, DO!

Artists and creators are not average.  We operate on the fringes.  Those also on the fringes will see your genius, no questions asked. 

Too many great works never make it to finished due to fearing or listening to criticism.

Know that it will exist, but no need to listen to it.

Create before consuming.

Don't spend too much time on social media.  Especially if you are in the midst of creating your own works.  

Social media is a beautiful, seductive thing!  

This is why it is so successful at spreading ideas and keeping us scrolling, but beware of this trap. 

When we begin consuming before we create our own works, we can often get trapped in comparison or second-guessing our work, not to mention waste precious time. 

Don’t overthink it.

When you are inspired, go with it.

When you are nearing completion, you may be tempted to keep changing things and start second-guessing.

Take time to step away.


Creation takes time, but does not need to take forever and often no thinking is needed!

Trust your gut.

Our gut has been referred to as our second mind. 

Use yours.

And your heart which is another of our minds!

Go with the flow. 

Play a bit. 

Just get it out there.

As many renditions as possible.

Our life’s work is only as accomplished as our completed works.

Too many brilliant works never get to be seen by other's eyes do to fear and not trusting our intuition.  

How do you want to be remembered?  

As someone who had a bunch of unfinished works lying on the drafting floor,  or one who's made amazing, unique creations?

Don't forget, we are blessed with our powers of intuition for a reason.

We can all get better at using our superpowers with practice, patience, persistence and intention. .  

Trusting our superpowers, allowing our highest selves to shine are ways of serving the world.

How are you using your superpowers?

Leave a comment and let me know your thoughts! 

About the author 

Michelle  -  ?I help people let go of their limiting beliefs so they can step into their best selves
Certified Life Coach, Reiki Practitioner, Registered Nurse

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