
February 23


5 Step Simple Path To Manifest Your Heart’s Desire

February 23, 2021

How do you manifest your heart’s desire?

How do you achieve your dreams?  I have a simple path for manifesting your heart's desire, and goals large or small.

The simplicity does not imply that it is easy, however, it is easy to understand. This has helped me teach the process to others. This is the same process I've been using for years to manifest my dreams and I can tell you it works when you do. 

Step 1:  Set your intention.

Your goal must be crystal clear, you must know exactly what you want beyond a shadow of a doubt.  

When you have determined what that goal is, what your heart’s desire is, you set it as an intention, and write it down.  Several times a day, you focus on this intention, write it out and think about it clearly.

Step 2: Know your why.

You’ve determined what it is you want, now you must know your why.  You must know why you want this goal.  The reason why behind your goal is what will keep you motivated to go after it.  

If you don’t know why you want to write a book, for example, you will get stuck. Writing a book is hard, it is tedious, and unless you are a whiz at it, it will take a lot of hours. Even if you are a whiz at it, it will take you a lot of hours, a lot of frustration.  It is going to be difficult. Your why is what will get you through those tough spots.

Because you will have tough spots.  

This is true of any goal that is worthwhile, it will come with challenges.  You will have obstacles that come up. But, when your why is crystal clear and you know exactly who is going to be helped by you achieving your goal, how you will be helped by achieving your goal, this will get you through.  

Think of all the people you will be able to reach and how their lives will be impacted by you achieving your dream and sharing it with them.  This is what is going to get you through those tough spots.

Step 3:  Believe it is already yours.

When you believe in your heart that this dream is already yours, it is already achieved.  One of the biggest indicators of success on any journey is the belief factor. Let’s say your goal is to lose 15 pounds, if you do not honestly believe that you can achieve this, you are not going to do it.   

Whatever you must do to increase your belief, do this. You must believe it as if it has already happened. This belief that you have lost these 15 pounds is part of how you can also visualize it.  The visualization goes into each of these steps, it goes into setting your intention, when you write it down, you think about it day and night.  You need to eat, breathe, sleep, bathe in this intention.  And now with the belief that it is already yours you need to do this visualization to see it as already done.

Step 4: Have gratitude

When you are seeing your dream as already done, you now want to have gratitude that you have achieved it.  

Have gratitude that you are achieving your goal, and you have achieved it, and you will.  

Have gratitude in the process and gratitude in the journey.  

Have gratitude in the challenges as they are making you stronger and more persistent.

Step 5: Be the person who has achieved the goal.

To achieve any goal, you must become the person who has achieved your goal.  Now I am not saying that you're going to become someone different, although in the process of personal development we really are recreating ourselves.  But it's not like we're recreating ourselves patterning after someone else, we are just recreating the best version of ourselves.  

So, back to the example goal of writing a book you need to become that person that writes.  You need to be that person who sits down every day at the computer or with a pen and paper and writes, that’s how you become the person who has already achieved the dream.  

Becoming the person who has achieved the goal gives you the daily actions that go into achieving your goal.  The daily actions of this step make all the steps and the goal come together.  When these five steps are put into practice and done daily, done several times a day, you will achieve anything you set your mind to.  

Using this 5-step plan has helped me immensely in achieving my goals.  One big advantage is that I know I have nothing to fear, my goal is already accomplished by using these 5 steps.  I’ve found that it is absolutely a lot more fun to be thinking about our goals as already accomplished and basking in that glory of those achievements.  


One of my intentions this week has been to get to bed early every day.  

My why for wanting to go to bed early is that I know I think a lot better when I have enough sleep.  I do not function well on only a couple hours, although I seem to think that I can do a lot more, if I can just stay up later and get more done.  But guess what?  Staying up and missing out on sleep does not make anything easier, especially when you're running on many days or many weeks of less sleep than your body requires.  

Another why for my goal is that I am a morning person.  I do my best work early in the morning.  I love to get up before the sunrise and watch the sunrise.  I like to have those hours as uninterrupted time where I can be creative. Since I have set this intention, I have been meeting that goal daily. 

When starting this goal path, I believe that it's already mine, and I know that I can get to bed early.  

I have gratitude that I can do this every day.  I have gratitude that my mind is enabling me to be setting this goal and that I am achieving it.  I have gratitude every morning when I get up before the sunrise and enjoy this special time just for me.  

I am being the person who does go to bed early, I make sure I have my routine in place so that I can get to bed at a decent hour, and I can wake up when my alarm clock goes off.  I don't hit the snooze now, as I am not someone who hits the snooze button.  

I hope this post is helpful to you in achieving your hearts' desire. You can put this plan into action again and again, and you can be working on multiple goals at a time.  This path works for any goal, big or small. 

Leave me a comment if you have tried this path and what you have learned through the process.  If you have any additions or other ideas, I’d love to hear those as well.

If you are ready to take the next step and are ready to begin delving deep into your own personal development, take a moment and schedule your free discovery call or enroll in the Awake Alive Abundant! Course and I will be honored to guide you on the path to your dreams.

About the author 

Michelle  -  ?I help people let go of their limiting beliefs so they can step into their best selves
Certified Life Coach, Reiki Practitioner, Registered Nurse

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