
September 25


8 Ways to Activate Your Greatest Superpower: Focus

September 25, 2021

Sure, it might be cool to be able to fly or breathe underwater, but focus is a superpower you can actually develop and put to good use.

The ability to focus is also a great predictor of success.

Unfortunately, developing this superpower can be a challenge because there are more interesting distractions than ever before.

We are bombarded with countless distractions that are carefully tailored to be as interesting as possible to us.

It’s been said in marketing if you can’t grab someone’s attention within the first couple seconds, you’ve lost it.  

This is true of the one being marketed to and the one doing the marketing.  

SOS or shiny-object-syndrome can throw us into a tailspin and cause us to chuck a great service idea or product into the waste can.  Then we’re off to the next “better” idea, and around and around we go.  

All the while we end up with unfinished projects or we get less than stellar results from the few that do get accomplished.  

This leads to loss of confidence and even more SOS!

Social media attempts to take control of your attention as much as it can.

And the social media companies know a lot about you. 

Billionaires own and run these companies, so you know they’re good at what they do.

But it’s not just nefarious companies trying to make a buck that are to blame.

Your environment and habits are to blame, too.

There’s a lot that goes into focusing at a high level over an extended period of time.

Luckily, despite all this, focus is a superpower that you can develop!

Enhance your ability to focus by using these strategies:

  •  1.  Decide what you’re going to focus on and for how long.                            

Focus isn’t something that can be maintained indefinitely. It’s a relatively short-term activity. But you can repeat it after a short break. You also need something to focus your attention on.

Decide what you’re going to do.

Be specific.

Have a specific task in mind that you’re going to either complete or work on for a set amount of time..

  •  2.  Remove distractions.                                                                                          

What is distracting to you?

Avoid trying to focus in the presence of distractions. 

Either remove the distractions or move to a different environment.

You might have to take the TV out of your office.

Maybe you need to go to the library to do any real work, or try another location that has less distractions.

  • 3.  Set a timer.                                                                                         

Timers free you up from having to check the clock repeatedly. They also create a sense of urgency and provide a little emotional relief. You know that you’re done when the timer goes off.

It’s a lot easier to sit down and focus for 40 minutes multiple times than it is to focus for an entire day.

  • 6.  Take care of your body.

Sufficient sleep and a healthy diet can greatly enhance your ability to focus.

Make sure to have a comfortable room temperature and ergonomic furniture and equipment.  It's hard to focus when our bodies are screaming at us. 

Regular exercise increases oxygen to the brain and assists with focus in addition to energizing us. 

  • 5.  Take regular breaks.  

Productivity experts recommend not working for more than 50 minutes without a 10-minute break.

Some people find that 25 minutes of work with a five-minute break is best.

Also, take a 20-30-minute break every couple of hours. Your ability to focus is recharged when you take breaks.

  • 6.  Turn off notifications.  

Computer and smartphone notifications are focus killers.

Turn them all off. You can check them on your breaks.

  • 7.  Put your phone away.  

Put your phone on airplane mode and stick in the drawer. Or leave it in the other room if you must.  

Every text message, phone call, and email will still be there when you have a break.

  • 8.  Practice meditation.                                                                                         

Practicing meditation gives our powers of focus their supercharge!  If you’re not already in a practice of meditation, and you are having a challenge with focus, there's no better time to start than right now!    Start with 5 minutes if you're just beginning.                                                                                                                  

Set an intention.  For example: “my intention is to pay attention to my breathing for 5 minutes”.

Studies have shown that people who practice meditation increase the focus centers in their brains with practice.  It does not take a monk or years of practice, either. These results have been noted in everyday people with a little instruction and a daily practice.                                                                

If you would like more information on how meditation can increase your superpowers or guided meditations, check out some of the resources here or enroll in one of Awake Alive Abundant courses.

So, don't forget, although there’s a lot that goes into focusing at a high level, you can practice some new tools that will help.  You are worth it!

And when you do, you will agree focus is a superpower that you can develop!

About the author 

Michelle  -  ?I help people let go of their limiting beliefs so they can step into their best selves
Certified Life Coach, Reiki Practitioner, Registered Nurse

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