
January 22


5 Best Tools to Design a Life you Love

January 22, 2021

When we have big goals or are not where we want to be in our lives, we have to do something different than we’ve been doing to get to this point.  There are several concrete actions we can take to assess the situation, plan, implement that plan and reassess as we continue on the path.

Here are 5 of my favorite tools to help you determine where you are today and where you would like to go.

This is a collection of resources that have benefitted my clients and myself in looking at themselves with a new perspective.


Where are you?  Where do you want to be?

Make a clear assessment of where you are and where you want to go.  To get anywhere new in life, you must know where you are starting and where you intend to go.  Many of us get stuck on the first part and dwell on where we are.  Sometimes we are afraid to dream about where we could go and cut off that possibility before we even begin.

Know why you want to make any kind of change you are planning.  The why is more important than what the change is and how you will make that change is determined by clearly identifying that why.  The why behind our goals is what gives us fuel to keep going toward the finish line, especially when things may get off track, which they often will.



Get a handle on your daily habits.  What we do daily determines all the results we have in our lives.  The way we think and talk about ourselves is a habit that we must include in this list.  If the way we talk or think about ourselves is not serving us, we can change this.  We cannot control much in life outside of ourselves, but we can make amazing changes in our lives and the lives we interact with, by using some simple tweaks in how we think and speak about ourselves.



Daily journaling.  This does not need to be anything elaborate or structured.  We can write anything that is on our minds in our journals.  Do you ever have things that keep running around in your head?  Write them down.  Sometimes this can help us move on to other issues those persistent thoughts have been overpowering. One simple exercise, I’ve been doing for a while is a practice of writing 3 things that I am thankful for.  This goes a long way in getting my day on the right track or ending the day on a bright note, depending on what time of day I am journaling.  Even when the day may not have gone as planned, this helps to put things in perspective.


Get Your Mind Right

Mindfulness or Meditation practice daily.   If you are not already practicing mindfulness or meditation, please continue reading.    I know many people think they have a difficult time meditating, and I believe some of that challenge comes from overcomplicating it in their understanding. This does not need to be complicated. Mindfulness is the act of focusing on one thing at a time.  For example, when you get up in the morning and make your bed, focus on each action you are performing, the feel of the sheets and blankets on your fingers and hands, the color of the sheets, the smoothness of the bed when you are finished.  As you get your coffee, focus your attention on the smell of the coffee, the sound of the coffee maker, the sensation of the hot coffee on your tongue when you take a sip, the flavor you are tasting, etc.  this is the practice of mindfulness.  For meditation, an easy way to get started is just to focus your gaze on something in front of you and put your attention on your breathing for a few minutes.  This can be done any time of day.  If it is challenging to you to start a meditation or mindfulness practice, take small steps, and be kind to yourself.  It is a practice and will never be perfect.  The important thing is you are taking time for yourself and making the effort to do the practice.


New Every Day

Make a practice of learning or experiencing something new each day.  This something new can be listening to a new song, reading a new poem, or listening to another’s view on a subject that is unlike your own.  You could study a new language, read a new book, learn to play an instrument, or pick up an instrument that has been collecting dust for a while. Learning something new each day enhances our perspective of ourselves and of others.  Learning about other people increases our empathy.  As you are exploring new things, you may find a new hobby or business pursuit or a new skill that may help you in your profession.  The practice of being open to new information is a way to ensure you are operating with a growth mindset.  New learning combats depression and decreases cognitive decline as we age.  It is a myth that our mind loses the ability to learn new things with age, the truth is we may not have been exercising this ability and it may have gotten rusty.


Awake Alive Abundant! Courses uses these and many more tools that will help you get from anywhere you are to the life you've dreamed of, allowing you to let go of beliefs, habits, and conditioning that no longer serves you so you can become free to step into the amazing, confident, high impact self that you were put on this earth to be.

Check out the tools below, and if you would like to go more in depth into your personal development, click the links here to schedule your free discovery call or enroll in the course.

I believe in you and your abundance!

The Facts, Feelings, Faith Framework

Discover Yourself, Determine your Direction

Guided Meditation: Heart Healing

About the author 

Michelle  -  ?I help people let go of their limiting beliefs so they can step into their best selves
Certified Life Coach, Reiki Practitioner, Registered Nurse

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