
January 9


Resilience-One Silver Lining from 2020 to be Thankful for.

January 9, 2021

woman holding mirror against her head in the middle of forest

2020 has shown us so much. Much of which we would rather forget. One of my big takeaways from 2020 has been the resilience shown in all of us.

Resilience, bouncebackability, and stick-to-itiveness are some of my favorite traits to empower in others and myself.  

It's been said that adversity builds character, but I heard early in the pandemic that while that may be true, more importantly adversity REVEALS character.  We get to show what we are truly made of.  There was so much good that was shown in this past year, even when others are hurting, so many still raised out their hands to help others.  

We are all resilient.  We are still here. It used to be thought that people were either resilient or they weren’t.  We now know that we all carry this trait in varying degrees, and there are ways we can all increase our resiliency (Action for Happiness, n.d.).

How to increase our resilience

There are some life skills, we can strengthen by taking actions that impact our resilience.  When we consciously work to increase these actions, we can increase our resilience (Chopra, 2020).

  • Acceptance of emotions, whatever they are.  When we accept our emotions, they come and go like waves.  When we try to suppress the “negative” emotions, they simmer under the surface, but do not go away. 
  • No self-judgement.  This increases the likelihood of not judging others, as well.
  • Have higher self-esteem.
  • Have a purpose in life.
  • Support others and in turn feel supported.

When we increase any of the above skills, we can increase our resilience.  If we could only increase one of the above, I would have to pick number 1, acceptance of our emotions, as this impacts the other 4 greatly.  When we don’t accept our emotions, we tend to have lower self-esteem, forget our life purpose, do not support others and we tend to judge.  All of these skills can be taught and learned. 

If you would like to explore how you can exercise your resilience muscle, and other valuable skills today,   check out the resources page and e-book. You can also receive a free 1:1 strategy session to explore what skills you’d like to focus on first.

Find ways to bounce back. https://www.actionforhappiness.org/10-keys-to-happier-living/find-ways-to-bounce-back/details.

Chopra, D (Host). (2020, December 31). How to Bounce Back Better than Ever. Now for Tomorrow [Audio podcast]. episode. Retrieved from Spotify

About the author 

Michelle  -  ?I help people let go of their limiting beliefs so they can step into their best selves
Certified Life Coach, Reiki Practitioner, Registered Nurse

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